AppSmackDown - Sohag Miah

App SmackDown on Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that was created in 2008 by Salman Khan. Khan's goal was to create a set of online tools that can help educate students. The organization produces short lessons in the form of video lectures to better explain an array of subjects. Khan Academy can be accessed through the KhanAcademy website and the respective app. All of the organization's resources are available publicly without charge. Majority of the contents are in recorded English, but there are a few foreign language offerings as well.

Today, Khan Academy has a wide range of selections to study and learn from. For example, within the Mathematics discipline, the content available ranges from early math - such as counting and addition and subtraction - to advanced, college-level coursework - such as Linear Algebra. The recorded content can also be filtered by grade levels, so the users may view lessons that are most relevant whether for academics or enrichment. Lesson on science and engineering, computing, economics and finance, and arts & humanities are also readily accessible on the platform. 

Khan Academy wanted to focus on other sectors on teaching students rather than traditional subjects and now provides test prep courses in standardized tests such as SAT, GMAT, and MCAT etc. To make the platform more unique: the interactive component provides the users with constant feedbacks on their progress. One may do practice questions, watch videos, and even learn more lessons. Khan Academy tailors the practice plan based on the users diagnostic or the test prep score. Khan Academy has been active in my life since high school when I was taking precalculus. Now in college, I still use khan academy for some classes that I face difficulties with. The videos simplify complex topics down and provide helpful examples. Without Khan Academy, I would still have difficulties in some of the classes The services provided by Khan Academy free to use. The system is easy to navigate and has multiples selections that may benefit you.


  1. Hi Sohag,
    I’ve actually used Kahn Academy before while in high school and I found it extremely helpful when I was struggling in math. It was super easy to use for me to use. My grandfather actually introduced this program to me when I told him about my struggles in math.

  2. I've had professors introduce us to Khan academy in the past. There really is such a wide variety of subjects you can study and essentially receive free lessons on. I share this tool with many friends and peers.

  3. Hello Sohag,
    Khan Academy has been a great resource for me through the years. I have used various resources from them, such as their mobile application and their youtube channel. I have found that by incorporating many educational tools, such as Khan Academy and Udemy, I can learn even the most difficult material.

  4. Hello Sohag,
    I personally have never heard of this app. The people who have commented above me have and mention how useful it is to help with school work and difficult subjects. I will definitely look into this app next time I struggle with a harder subject.

  5. I have never heard of this application but I really like the concept! I am seeing that many people in the comments above have used it but I never have in school. I also like how you said that they focus on helping you on different test like the SATs because some students definitely need guiding with that!

  6. Sohag,
    Khan academy seems like an amazing tool that can help give students an in-depth and different perspectives on different problems that students can come across in their courses. This program is so extensive that I seems like it can help a wide range of students. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Sohag,
    Khan academy has helped me throughout my semesters here at Stockton! It is a great way to relearn material that one couldn't grasp in class, or just a great refresher of certain topics. Lots of my professors in the past also recommended khan academy especially for more complex subjects like chemistry or certain math classes.

  8. Sohag,
    Khan Academy has unquestionably helped me get to this point of college. There have been countless times in which I needed help in a course and this has helped me get an understanding of what we were learning. Thank you for sharing all the information about this!

  9. Hi Sohag! I never heard of Khan Academy before this blog. Though I could see this being very beneficial when confused about a subject. Especially if it happens to be an online course and you need more in depth explanation then given. This would have been great for me when I was taking math courses! This is something I always had questions about no matter the question.

  10. Since I had previously never heard of Khan Academy, I feel like I am more educated on the application now. It is so cool that there is such a way to learn about a certain concept right through an application rather than having to exclusively learn about it in school. The accessibility seems like the best function of it.

  11. Hi Sohag,
    I have actually heard of and have used it, and I honestly do not think I would be where I am today if it wasn't for Khan Academy. As a person who struggles with math and I needed to find a way to pass the math praxis to move forward with being a teacher, and this app helped me so much with that as I finally passed it! Thank you for sharing this fantastic tool, and I hope those who never heard of it give it a shot because it will be worth it!

  12. Kahn academy is a service I am very famillar with. I love the servidce, and love that they have accurate and helpful videos. A resource like this is great for people who are visual learners, and need the topic to be spoken or demonstrated to them to understand. I see myself using this service for the rest of my college career.

  13. Sohag,
    I actually have never heard of Khan Academy, but with it being free and being both an app and website makes it easy for users to access. It seems very useful for struggling students that need a specific subjected explained a little further.

  14. Sohag,
    I have actually heard of this app before because of commercials on television that I have seen. However, I did not know much about it, so your coverage of the app was very interesting to me. This would be very helpful for high school students because most of them take the SATs in order to get into college.

  15. Sohag,
    As an education major, Khan Academy is a very prevalent application in my schooling. This has been used to teach me certain subjects and has also been used as examples of how to teach future students. Overall, this is a great application!

  16. Hi Sohag,
    I have used Khan Academy multiple times in high school and my first two semesters of college. I used Khan academy to ace my way through calculus 1 and calculus 2. It helped me solve complex math problems because it provides step by step examples and even provides videos on how to do it. Without Khan Academy, I would be lost in my calculus classes and would have to try to figure out the problems on my own by trying to see if I can find it in the textbook. Thanks for sharing this, and I liked how you went into a introduction of what it is and who invented it. I was surprised how it was a non-profit website and no money is made.

  17. Sohag,
    Khan Academy seems like a great app for students, I also did not know it was non profit. I think that it could be used in the professional world if they have classes/ videos on programs you can get certifications for. It also sounds like a great program for teachers or professors to either learn areas they want to improve on, or show videos for students to become more clear on certain topics.

  18. Sohag,
    I have used Khan academy many times for math and I found it super helpful to show me different ways to solve a problem. I enjoyed your presentation, great work

  19. Hi Sohag!
    I have used Khan Academy multiple times and did not know much about it's background. I enjoyed learning the backstory and what happens behind the scenes of these videos that have helped me better learn material in multiple subjects. Great Job!


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