Web 2.0 Tool Smackdown

The tool I've selected is Bibme. It's an automated citation generator that supports MLA, APA, and Chicago formatting. Although the primary focus of the Bibme is a citation, it does offer other features to users, such as Plagiarism Checker, Smart proofreader, and finally a title page. One of the best things about this device is that it keeps improving itself.  The business running this website, called Chegg, which also owns other websites, has kept up to date to ensure that they can improve user experience. One way they have done this is through the various features that make them distinct relative to other citation websites.

Chegg Inc., the owner of Bibme, is an American educational technology company based in Santa Clara, California. The company's main purpose is to provide students with resources such as homework, online tutoring, and test preparation.  Other sectors the company is now focused on helping students with scholarship searches, internship matching, and even counseling students on their college application. Cheggs believes and focuses on high school and college students in the U.S. and tries to help them make their lives easier in any way they can. That's why I noticed that what Chegg believes is true. When I took higher-level classes, especially in math education, I usually try to look for better and simpler examples that I can understand and Chegg is great at doing that, some of their tools tend to give you discreet details on how to solve a particular problem.  Colleges were expected to spend an average of $667 on their textbooks in 2009.  However, because of inflation, textbooks are rising at a faster pace. Chegg's creator had also observed an online renting trend that had been popular, such as Netflix. Which inspired the founders Rashid and Phumbhia to start this busniess online book of rentals.

Bibme began in January 2007 as a student project in the Information Systems Department of Carnegie Mellon University. After a long period of research and development, bibme.org went live in May 2017. Since this website is so easy to get a citation, more attractions have begun to appear. It even caught the attention of students and teachers who found it useful in classrooms. The students who worked on this project continued to improve and update the software during their final school year. Upon graduation, Bibme started to upgrade to make it a more detailed source for all citation services. Finally, they merged with Chegg Service to give users a better experience and increase their business.

This device has so many strengths that anyone can find it useful in any kind of way. This tool is not just limited to students or educators: rather, anyone who writes a paper or just needs a quick citation for any kind of format, this tool is very useful for that user. Since we're going to school right now, one thing we always tend to do is write that might involve essays, blogs, or something else. It is, therefore, necessary for us not to plagiarize. You might ask why?  That's because plagiarism describes the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Plagiarism is actually considered to be journalistic dishonesty and a violation of journalism ethics. It's very wrong, and it could get a person in loads of trouble. Information can easily be stolen in today's society, which is why it is important to cite any information we use when writing a paper.  The same happens when writing a paper in a professional environment. It is even worse if the business, publisher or writer discovers out their information has been copied to another person's work. This could lead to a person being charged, or even jail time. That's why it's important to use resources like Bibme.

Personally, I used this tool a lot when I write essays. This tool has been very handy for me every semester. One of the things I like about this tool is that it not only offers APA, MLA, or Chicago format, but there are more options available. In addition, this website can make a citation based on Journal Website, Book, Video or more.  Once you have given the article or website details, before finalizing the citation, you even have the option of editing the citation. This is the perfect tool that is user-friendly and gives users so many choices. Developers don't see this tool as just a citation builder website, but they see it as a building block to make it easier to finish the essays. One way I think they have already accomplished that is by providing a plagiarism checker: they have given two features: My Papers' are smart proofreader application that checks for unintentional plagiarism and gives instant grammar and style suggestions; the second feature, which is called a plagiarism checker, checks the user's paper against billions of sources using technology similar to Turnitin.

As you can see, this tool is very handy and provides so many choices that can be useful when writing a paper. This is a device that will only improve as it will always be in demand, and the future will reveal how innovation can be improved by a tool that has already thought about everything.


"Chegg." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Oct. 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chegg.

"Generate Modern Language Association 8th Edition Journal Article Citations for Your
Bibliography," BibMe, http://www.bibme.org/mla/journal-citation.


  1. Sohag, initially I was skeptical due to the similarity to tools such as EasyBib and Citation Machine,. However, becoming aware of the abundance of features such as plagiarism check and title page generator, I am impressed! I will be adopting this tool for sure :)

  2. Sohag,
    I have not heard of Bibme before, but it seems very helpful when writing papers. Being able to cite, plagiarize check, and make a title page all in one place is great. I can see myself using this app the next time I write a paper as well as in my career if I need to cite some research.

  3. Hi Sohag, I have never heard of Bibme, but after learning about it, I know that I will be using it when I need helping citing my sources for my papers. I like that it has other features as well such as plagiarism check, and a proofreader because those tools can be really helpful when trying to hand in a well- written paper.

  4. Hi Sohag! I have never heard of bibme before. Though I have heard of the company Chegg. I sue them often for books and such! They are a great company! After reading I defiantly want to look into this! Especially since I know the chegg is a reliable resource to use! This tool seems to have so many different options too other than just bibliography!

  5. Hello Sohag,
    I have never heard of Bibme before, but I have used similar applications in the past. I have used Citation Machine and absolutely love it. After seeing your well-constructed presentation, I will definitely be trying out Bibme.

  6. Sohag,
    I have never heard of Bibme. For as long as I can remember, I have been using Easybib and I love it. However, after seeing your blog, I may switch over! It is awesome that this tool has a plagiarism checker because that is something that every student needs to take seriously. You did a very good job at presenting this tool because you have convinced me to use it!

  7. Hi Sohag,
    As a literature major I honestly can’t say I have ever heard of Bibme before I feel like everyone just goes right to easybib for a citation generator. I will say I will definitely be giving this a shot I love how it has a plagiarism checker which would be great for me to have as a future teacher, and title pages

  8. Hi Sohag,
    I have never heard of Bibme, but I have used Citation Machine and love it! I love that this app has a plagarism checker on it, which is super important! I will be using this app in the future for my schoolwork and for my professional work as well. I am impressed.

  9. Hey Sohag,
    Thank you for sharing Bibme, because I’m in love with the tool. It checks grammar, plagiarism, and cited sources all in one place. I’ll definitely be using this tool whenever I’m writing a paper.

  10. Sohag,
    I really liked your smackdown of bibme. I thought it was very interesting and showed me tons of new thing I never knew cite generators had to offer! I definitely might have to take a look at this next time I have to do a paper.

  11. Sohag,
    Bibme sounds extremely similar to easybib and sounds like many of the same features. I think the ways that it's shown are interesting , especially all of the other tools available. I'm thinking that it's a close partner with easybib or someone wanted to create their own version. Citations are always great to have created for you and checked over especially as a student.

  12. Hi Sohag!
    I have never used Bibme before but after reading your blog, I may switch over! I always used online tools to cite my sources such as EasyBib. I liked how this tool had a plagiarism checker in it to help students not to copy word for word. The last thing you want to do is submit a paper with tons of information from sources you didn’t cite accordingly. Since this semester, I will be writing essays, I will checkout Bibme to do my citations and plagiarism before submitting my work on blackboard to my professor, thanks for sharing!

  13. Hi Sohag!
    Awesome presentation! This app is very similar to other citation tools, but I did not know of it. It is always great to know of more than one tool for different things so learning about this one was very useful! I will have to give this website a try when creating my next Reference page for an essay.

  14. Sohag,
    I have not heard of this app until now. This app falls in the same category if easybib, which can only mean that this app is extremely helpful when writing papers. I really like the feature that checks for plagiarism and the feature that checks for grammar errors as well!


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